Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hinchinbrook Beauty...
We had some fabulous encounters with wildlife on the island (luckily no crocodiles!), including this curious tortoise, who was really keen to have a stickybeak as we

swam and enjoyed our lunch on Day 3

PICS: treefern; morning at Banksia Bay; short-necked tortoise


PegandDrew said...

Hey Isa- Nice blogging! Is Blog a verb? I'm sure one is able to blog. Not sure why I've never had your address. I think I had it and it changed or something. I didn't have your dad's either, and the standing agreement was that after any updates I would send it to, amnongst others, mum, and I would get her to send it to your dad with the instruction that it was to go to you. I now have their address and I guess I forgot to ask them to send it on! Well, send me your address so I can update you! Hopefully I won't incur too much spam if I give you mine here.

Anonymous said...

hey isa ... very smick i like youre blog name very much . We just started a youtharts blog which is pretty minimal , but have a look .