Sunday, February 24, 2013

I made this

It was something I'd been aiming for since I started working at the Prison, and the process has been in train for a year. It took me eight months of solid work; developing guidelines, battling delays, recruiting volunteer staff, and overcoming unceasing 'technical difficulties', but finally, FINALLY I have managed to get the Freo Prison Collection into the digital age, aka the 21st century.

While I can't be blamed for the design or the interface, I still feel an incredible sense of achievement in getting the first 750-odd items from the Collection, as well as related Subject records, online.

You can search the Collection here.

This is the first major thing I have achieved since my Dad died, and the fact that he's not here for me to share it with him has made me feel his loss more keenly in recent days. I suppose it's not that odd when you think about it.

It has been nine months since he died. I'm sure he would have been proud, and I know he would have enjoyed browsing through the objects and reading the background info. I really, really wish he could have lived to see it.

1 comment:

Melbourne on my Mind said...

Congrats, Isa - that's fabulous! You should be very proud of yourself accomplishing something like that. And I'm sure your dad would be thrilled to see it. *hugs*